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GH_SizeAnalyzer has several configurable options that are exposed in two ways: the settings panel and via context menu

Settings panel

The widget's settings can be found under Settings -> Widgets

Image of the widget's settings

Show Size Analyzer

This checkbox will enable/disable the entire widget, preventing it from performing size operations and displaying results to the user.

Global threshold

Allows for enabling/disabling the size warning for the entire document.

It also provides a number spinner to configure the threshold size to display the warning when enabled.

Parameter threshold

Allows for enabling/disabling the size warning for each parameter..

It also provides a number spinner to configure the threshold size to display the warning when enabled.

Context menu options

Context menu

Both the global and parameter thresholds can be modified by right-clicking either the bottom-left warning panel, or the parameter warnings that appear at the top-right of each node.